In good hands

Leisure is business

Off duty, we like to relax as much as the next pro-active, driven and conscientious company but when it comes to the leisure industry, we mean business. How is your golf swing? Ours is timed to perfection, eyes firmly on the ball until it leaves our club and lands safely at its destination.

One may wonder where in the leisure industry a company such as ours fits in. Quite simply, anything that requires a concept, design, precision, production and ultimately fulfilment has a home at Sumac.

By the way, there’s even a golf course nearby so bring your clubs when you visit.


Leisure Equipment from Sumac Manufacturing
Sumac’s support structure is first class whilst the actual buying process as far as I’m concerned is exemplary. The products we ordered were delivered on time (give or take a couple of hours!) and when you’re talking about the numbers involved – notwithstanding the overseas port of call – I was hugely impressed.

A lot of my time is spent co-ordinating various stages which can cause admin headaches. The team at Sumac even made that side of things as effortless as they could possibly be.

Name withheld for confidentiality

Sales Co-ordinator, Europe, UK based corporation